11 October 2022

Gran Tierra Energy Announces Juan Pablo II School from Rionegro Santander Winner of PetrolCopa School Challenge


Bogotá, October 10, 2022 – Gran Tierra Energy is pleased to announce the winner of the third annual PetrolCopa School challenge, a partnership between Gran Tierra Energy and the Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE). The competition, focused on protecting and preserving natural sources of water, saw 21 teams of students from Putumayo, César and Santander compete for the 2022 PetrolCopa title.

After more than 3 intense hours of competition, the team of students from Juan Pablo II School from Rionegro Santander were named the 2022 PetrolCopa champions. The panel of judges congratulated all of the students for their efforts, which included experts from Los Andes University, the Colombian Association of Hydrologists and from SPE Colombia.

During the life of the project the results have been impressive; more than 4,000 students have benefited from the program and have participated in the competition. In 2022, 21 schools from Puerto Asís, Valle del Guamuez, Orito, Puerto Caicedo, Villagarzón, San Martin, Rio de Oro, Aguachica, San Alberto and Rionegro were part of the program which saw four to five member student teams collaborating on a project to find solutions in order to protect and preserve natural sources of water and were supported by a mentor as they researched and advanced their projects. The best projects from each school qualified for the PetrolCopa Challenge, a knowledge-based competition focused on the content learned throughout the program.

“Gran Tierra Energy is proud to continue supporting the PetrolCopa School Challenge. I want to congratulate the school Juan Pablo II from Rionegro Santander for the outstanding performance during the Challenge, as well as all the participants. The company is committed to continue supporting projects that help to build transparent relationships with the communities next to our operations and that seek to promote ways we can work together to protect the environment”, stated Manuel Buitrago, President and Country Manager in Colombia for Gran Tierra Energy.

During the event, Walter Nuñez, President of SPE Colombia said “On behalf of the Society of Petroleum Engineers Colombian Section, I would like to congratulate in a very special way the Juan Pablo II School from Rionegro Santander for being the national champions of the PetrolCopa Reto Escolar 2022. This program has allowed us to continue with our purpose of transmitting knowledge to different communities in our country through volunteering and collaborative work. I also thank the communities and the different educational institutions that opened their doors to our program, which allowed us to work with so many talented young people and contribute to their formation as leaders and protectors of the environment.”

Gran Tierra Energy reinforces its commitment to sustainable activities wherever the company operates by providing meaningful training and employment opportunities, a preference for local goods and services, and by voluntarily investing in social and environmental projects.

Calle 113 No. 7-80 Torre ar – Piso 17 Bogotá, Colombia (571) 658-5757 Fax (571) 213-9327